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Previous Events


Wednesday, 20 March 2024
17:00 – 18h30 CET
Online – Zoom platform

REGISTER NOW for the online event “Next Steps for Wolf Conservation and Management in Europe” hosted by the Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside Intergroup and organised in conjunction with the European Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FACE) and the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO)

The ELO has launched the “Women for the Future of Agriculture” during the month of March to celebrate all women that are operative within the Agriculture sector. 
Each day the ELO will post a story from a woman, to share her story and learn about her challenges within the sector. 
4 FCS members took part! Galina Peycheva-Miteva, Norma Hoagland, Felicitas von Carlowitz and Stephanie Gigot.
To read:
Linked-in: Click here!
Twitter: Click here!
ELO website (overview of all articles): Click here!
The ELO Activity Report for **2022** 
For all the news on ELO Policies, Projects, Awards, Events and the ELO family, please click here to access the online Flipbook version.

European Tree of the Year 2024 Award Ceremony

The Grand Finale of the European Tree of the Year 2024 took place on the 20th of March in the European Parliament. To find out more about the winners, please click here!



Satellite Use for Green Transition Monitoring

02 MAY 2023, 16:00– 18:00 CET | ONLINE EVENT

Satellite data has become an increasingly important tool for biodiversity conservation and management. It allows scientists and policymakers to monitor and track changes in the Earth’s ecosystems, including the distribution and health of plant and animal species.

Click here to REGISTER

Applications are open for the 2023 edition of the FAMIGRO AWARD that rewards the best rural entrepreneurship project in Europe.

Deadline : March 1, 2023 

Application form here   

Details : [email protected]

**The Bee Award Ceremony took place on December 6 in the European Parliament**

Find out who the winners are by heading to the Bee Award page!

We need your help!
Are you an agricultural producer? 
Do you know anyone active in farming?
Participate with us in an online survey to unleash the potential of bio-based fertilisers

  • This study is designed to be applied to participants with agricultural farming activities and the results will be a major tool to design strategies to promote the use of bio-based fertilisers considering YOUR opinion to the European Commission. Your participation and answers will be treated strictly confidentially.
  • Together we can do better for the future of more sustainable agriculture; please take the survey, share this project with your friends & network.

The Land and Soil Management Award 2023/24 is officially OPEN for applications!

👩‍🌾 Who can apply? Farmers, landowners, land managers, and groups of farmers! You can go solo or team up with research institutes, universities, or private companies.

🏆 The winner receives a cash prize of €5,000! Plus, our esteemed Jury can grant a Diploma of Recognition to exceptional entries.

🗓️ The application deadline has been extended to January 22, 2024.

For more information please consult our ELO website or contact [email protected].

Since 2014, the European Bee Award is committed to find common solutions for the benefit of biodiversity by rewarding projects protecting pollinators.

The Bee Award 2023 journey is coming to a thrilling conclusion as our jury selected this year’s outstanding winners. Save the date for November 28, 2023, when the European Parliament will host our unique Bee Award Ceremony.

This prestigious event promises inspiration and recognition, celebrating those making a positive impact.

*Register here to attend*

*** LAST CALL!! ***

The FAMIGRO Award for Rural Entrepreneurship is officially OPEN for applications!

👩‍🌾 Open to any young (18 to 40) European countryside entrepreneur who has been making a special contribution to the rural economy, community and environment through an innovative project that is at least 2 years in the running and provides answers to the current challenges of the rural sector.

🏆 The winner receives a prize of €5,000, an article in the CountrySide Magazine and attendance to the General Assembly in Siena. 

🗓️ The application deadline is February 1, 2024.

For more information please consult our ELO website or contact [email protected]


** Winner of the Soil Award revealed! **

Check out the Soil Award page here.

The prize rewards land use and soil management practices mitigating soil threats. 


YFCS announces the winner of the
Congratulations to Karl-Ludwing von Poschinger and his Gut Waltesteig estate in Germany for innovative changes made.
Congratulations also to the runner-up : David Lenin at Gårdsfisk in Sweden

** European Biodiversity Conference : December 6 from 4pm to 6pm at the European Parlieament ** 

The conference addresses the state of play of EU forest readiness to climate change. How to adapt European forests to new challenges caused by climate change and the increased presence of natural stressors?

Click here for the press release.

Biodiversity, Hunting Countryside Intergroup : Online.

**Tuesday 8 February, 16 – 17.30 CET**

Register Here

The Agriculture Ministers adopted recently their conclusions and stressed there must be a “balanced vision on the different dimensions of sustainability,” they emphasized the need to strengthen the socio-economic goals & clearly define the “newly introduced concepts & terms”.


  • The Webinar intends to continue this discussion and find out how to support further the multifunctional role of European forests. We will try to identify the current assets and flaws of the strategy. How to build a balanced policy that takes into account all the realities around forest management?
YFCS announces the launching of the
Winner to to announced soon!
Would you know of any young (under 40!) rural entrepreneurs who contribute to the evolution of our rural countryside in a social responsible and sustainable manner? For details on how to apply, please click here

You are invited to watch the recording of the RISE – Forum for Ag Soil Event by clicking the link on the image above. 

RISE is releasing its latest Soil report this June.


The European Biodiversity Conferencewill take place in person on December 7th in Brussels from 3pm to 5.45pm at the NH Brussels Hotel Berlaymont. The theme of the conference will be Soil Strategy and how to make it work at the local level.

This will also be the opportunity to launch our new project, AgriLife, the first ever pan-European label that rewards and encourages farmers at the centre of biodiversity and promotes quality production through best practices.
The conference will be followed directly by the presentation of the European Bee Award now in its 8th year.
Participation to both is free and in person by registering on this link :

What a joy it was to see and meet all those who participated in the General Assembly in Cordoba!

An album has been created online  – you can access it through the Members Login.

The brochure is included in the Publications page while our specially conceived website with information about the GA and pre-tour remains open with the full programme. Please click here or on the image.

Please save the date for the 25th Jubilee FCS GA in 

Evora, Portugal : June 9 to 12, 2021 

Land Mobility Virtual Final Conference

Are you an older farmer or landowner, looking to pass your farm on to the next generation (or sell outside the family)? Or perhaps a young entrepreneur looking to enter the field of agriculture? Or you just like to learn? Then come learn about the ELO project Land Mobility!


The Land Mobility Virtual Final conference will be held on December 9th, 2021 at 11:30am (CET) to share all the wonderful outputs and explain how Land Mobility can work for landowners, farmers, stakeholders, and others.

You can register at:…/...LLu1gDrf2Q

To check out the project beforehand, visit

And if you have any questions, please email us at: [email protected]

** The winners of the Bee Award Ceremony that took  place on Tuesday December 7 from 18h to 20h are annouced! **

Congratulations to ‘Coup d’Pousse’ , ‘Connected scales’ and ‘Smartomizer H3O’ !

For more details, here is the press release.

IF you missed this inspiring YFCS webinar ‘Solving Problems with Tech in the Countryside‘ , you can watch the replay here. Listen to how In Ovo (NL) and LettUs Grow (UK) give ethical and ecological solutions in agriculture!

Both businesses won a Diploma of Recognition in our last edition of the Famigro Award with their spectacular projects. 


“Working with volunteers on private land – How to get started?”

This webinar will address the involvement of volunteers to provide private land conservation.

A two part event on the 9th and 10th of November 2021 from 9:30 until 13:00 CET.

Register here

**Workshop: Agricultural Land Market Regulations in the EU Members States**

**Thurs. June 10** Replay Here**

Live Online : Motivation, challenges and expectations for the 2020-21 JRC study on “Land market regulations in the EU Member States”. For the replay, please go to here .


Due to the ever changing and to uncertain restrictions on travel to and from the UK, the Study Tour is unfortunately cancelled until further notice. 

Please contact events(@) for futher details.

**Intergroup on Biodiversity, Hunting Countryside**

**Online event on Dynamics of Agriculture for a Lively Countryside**

**June 22 2021 at 16h-18h CEST**

*Register Here*


The Intergroup would like to explore ways and remedies for the agriculture and farming profession to thrive and face the future challenges to improve EU sustainability.

**Life+ “Land Is For Ever”**

**Monday June 7 2021 – 15h-17h CEST**

Final conference on private land conservation

For more details and registration, please click here

**1st Farming Biodiversity Summit** and 

**ELO Solutions Workshop**

All recording of the events are available here on the FFA website.

**FFA2021 Regional Portugal**

All recordings of the event are available on the FFA website. Key subjects included farming practices in Southern Europe with sustainable water use and farmland habitat management and increasing sustainability standards through trade deals.

The FFA website also shows recording of the  Solutions Workshop where genomic techniques and climate change were discussed.

**Soil Protection Conference**

**May 25 2021 – 5.30h-7h CEST**

Virtual Conference on Soil Protection and the Building up of Organic Matter (Humus). To Register, please click here.


FFA2021 – Food System Renewal

We hope you enjoyed the high level discussions over the past month. If you missed any of the them, you can access the recordings by clicking on the image above. Check out the Members Section for an update of FCS news as given by our President Michael Prinz zu Salm Salm during the lunch time video chat!

**2021 FAMIGRO Winner**

It is with pleasure that we announce that FCS member Alfonso Chico de Guzman has been awarded the 2021 FAMIGRO award for his La Junquera Regenerative Farm and Entrepreneurship HUB project. This is his second award of the year, having won the Soil Award also! The award for …

Outstanding Developments went to:

– Flourish Produce (UK)
– Gut Waltersteig GbR (DE)
– In Ovo (NL)
– LettUs Grow (UK)

We thank FCS board member Karl Grotenfeld for his continued support of the FAMIGRO award to young entrepreneurs. 


To our French speaking members:

Nous avons le plaisir de presenter l’étude que nous avons produite en association avec la Fondation François Sommer, l’OFB et l’AGPB. Cliquez sur l’image pour le lien permettant de télécharger.

Ce travail a l’ambition de servir de base scientifique à l’adoption de mesures favorables à la biodiversité dans le cadre de la réforme de la PAC.

Ainsi que de voir de telles mesures adoptées par le monde agricole , d’où l’implication de l’AGPB dans la rédaction du livre, nous aurons quelques sessions qui abordent le sujet. 

Nous vous invitons si cela vous convient à distribuer largement cette étude à qui de droit.

Des copies reliés sont disponibles sur commande pour 25 € + p & p. Veuillez envoyer un e-mail aux events(at)

**INTERGROUP EVENT – EU Nature Restoration Targets: State of play and next steps**

**April 13 2021 – 15h-17h CET**

This event will discuss the EC’s proposed approach and, in particular, the choice of opting for a binding target and evaluate the missing elements to improve the health and resilience of European rich ecosystems.

Further, it will address other key challenges such as what criteria should apply to decide whether an ecosystem is restored, how to restore degraded ecosystems at wider landscape level, how climate change will affect restoration efforts and what role community-based conservation will play under the new restoration targets.

Indeed, the involvement of local stakeholders is key to ensure that restoration can translate into countless successful initiatives across Europe.

For registration, please click here

ELO article in the French Hunting & Nature magazine!

The Magazine du Club has published a 3 page article written by Thierry de l’Escaille about the ELO, FCS and Wildlife Estates and more (in French). Please click on the lower image for access.

Screenshot 2021-02-22 at 10.10.18
YFCS Webinars

To access the successful YFCS webinar on Brexit attended by many FCS members and an article written by our expert Michael Sayer, please login to the Members section top right.

The next YFCS webinar is planned for this June. For more information, please contact alberto.hermosel(@)

**REWARD Final Conference**

**April 14 2021 – 15h-17h CET**

REWARD : Raising Employability of Women through entrepreneurialRe Activities fostering Rural Development.

Join us as we discuss the economic and social situation of rural women and their experiences in the EU, our training system and the case studies that helped shape our project.

For registration, please click here 

Our Secretary General presents a short video on why FFA2021 matters.

Do please check out the programme, register, attend and participate in the 3 week long forum!




The winner of the EUROPEAN TREE OF THE YEAR 2021 has been announced! Click on the image to watch this wonderful video with an introduction by our CEO Thierry de l’Escaille and a story about the 14 finalists. The winner is announced at the end!

Thank you for voting!

YFCS announces the launching of the 2021 FAMIGRO AWARD.
Would you know of any young (under 40!) rural entrepreneurs who contribute to the evolution of our rural countryside in a social responsible and sustainable manner? For details on how to apply, please click here

Following the EPG’s discussion on the strict protection target of the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy, here is a new version of the ELO position paper. Strict protection. ELO Position. 29.01.2021

Please contact [email protected] for any questions or remarks.

Land and Soil Management Award 2020/21. Applications are now closed.

Thank you to all those who applied!

Soil Award : For good agriculture and environmental conditions.

Please go to the Soil Award page for further details by clicking here.


Voting has begun for the European Tree of the Year! (Feb 1-28) Choose the tree that you believe has the most interesting story by clicking here 
InnoForESt, sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services, announces that 6 policy briefs generated from the D6.3 report are now available on the project website

Innovation Conference: What role will and should agri-technologies play in the delivering of the F2F strategy?

Online: Feb. 23 at 3.30pm CET.


FCS member and President of Familienbetriebe Land und Forst e.V. Max von Elverfeldt raises his concerns about the Green Deal and makes a plea…..

Please click here to watch the short video (in German, with English subtitles)

A new programme on (in French) that highlights the pleasures and diversification of nature in the countryside. Click on the link for a taste.

EU Biodiversity Conference 2020 – Farming up Biodiversity. To access the recording, please click here

To discover the winners of the Bee Award, please go to this page on the FCS website

Apex-Brazil and the European Landowners Organization invite you to join the dialogue inspired by the Farm to Fork Strategy on Monday, 23 November, 2PM.   WATCH THE REPLAY HERE!

Click here for more information.

Ed Barnston from Barnston Estates visited many Friends’ estates for his Nuffield thesis on Benchmarking Success. 

FFA Regional Online no 2

Rewarding Sustainability in the Food System. Was live on October 26, 2020

Please find here our publication of our Databank of Offers and Demands of Traineeships and Employment on Countryside Estates

We hope you enjoyed the AGOFSY Final Conference. Please send your questions, comments and feedback to[@]

We hope you enjoyed the InnoForESt Final Conference. Please send your questions, comments and feedback to[@]

We hope you enjoyed the AGOFSY Final Conference. Please send your questions, comments and feedback to[@]

What to expect from the next EU Forest Strategy?

To replay the online event of the “biodiversity, hunting, countryside intergroup, please press here


European Bee Award 2020

Applications are now closed. Watch this space for information about the Award Ceremony at the EP in Brussels this December

FFA Regional Online no 1

To watch the replay, please click on the photo

FCS UK February 2020  

FCS President Michael zu Salm-Salm, CEO Thierry de l’Escaille, Vice Presidents Ross Murray and Seger von Voorst tot…. 

Voorst along with many UK FCS members joined in London on February 13 at the CLA offices to assure the continuation of Friendship across the Channel. To read further, please click here.




FFA 2019 FCS Lunch.

It was wonderful to see so many Friends at FFA 2019!  “I hope that tomorrow morning you will ask yourself what is possible in your life to make the transition real. You owe it to the #TheNextGenerationChange is difficult, change is scary, but change is also vital” @JanezPotocnik22