
The Friends of the Countryside

The Friends of the Countryside is a non-profit making organisation consisting of a network of like minded private landowners,
rural managers and entrepreneurs from 27 countries stretching from the Rockies & Andes to the Carpathians.
By means of innovative, regenerative and sustainable practices, this network promotes the long term interests of their land. Through the  platform of the European Landowners’ Organisation, the FCS are able to ensure that their voice is heard throughout the European Union and well beyond.


The Friends of the Countryside and the European Landowners’ Organisation stand in solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues and citizens.  Property rights, collaboration, dialogue & freedom are ELO’s most prominent values. 


The Pre Tour will take place from May 26 to May 30, 2024 and will begin in Florence and end in Siena.   

For full details of the General Assembly, please head to the SIENA website.

A Presto!                                                    

Details of last year’s general assembly are still available on the POZNAN website or you can head to the Trusted Members Area (top right).


  Current Events

The January-February issue no. 209 of the CountrySide Magazine, which includes ELO’s Manifesto for the European Elections, is out. You are invited to read it by clicking on the Publicationspage.

**Applications for the European Bee Award are now OPEN**

Are you part of an innovative project protecting bees or other pollinators?

The European Landowners’ Organization (ELO) and the European Agricultural Machinery Industry Association (CEMA) invite you to submit your project to the European Bee Award 2024 edition!

To find out more, please click here

On Tuesday, June 18, the Forum also hosted an event, co-organised with ELO and CEMA, to discuss the tools needed to rebuild a forward-looking Ukraine agricultural sector that is more aligned with EU architecture. To a packed room, leading speakers discussed key issues during multiple panel sessions moderated by Mark Titterington.

Watch the video

ForumforAg launches its first annual report, which details the work it has undertaken and the progress made. It includes illustrations of the scalable initiatives many of our partners are implementing in these areas. Click here for its Call to Action Annual report


European Tree of the Year 2024 Award Ceremony

The Grand Finale of the European Tree of the Year 2024 took place on the 20th of March in the European Parliament. To find out more about the winners, please click here!

Dear Friends,

We had a highly successful ForumforAg with over 800 participants in the hall and as many on line. If you missed any of the discussion or would like to see parts again, you can watch the recordings here

A comprehensive Power Point Presentation of the activities that support landowners by the European Landowners’ Organisation from the FCS General Assembly in Siena in May 2024. Please click here to view it

**ELO Manifesto**

European Elections 2024 – This manifesto outlines our priorities ahead of the European elections, urging policymakers to recognize the central role of landowners in shaping a prosperous and harmonious future for Europe. For access, head to the ELO page.

The ELO Activity Report for **2023** 
Brand new format!
For all the news on ELO Policies, Projects, Awards, Events and the ELO family, please click here to access the online version.
For past ELO Activity Reports, head to this ELO page.

We are pleased to present the study that we produced in association with the François Sommer Foundation, OFB and AGPB in both English and French. Please click on the image to download it.

This work aims to serve as a scientific basis for the adoption of measures favorable to biodiversity within the framework of the reform of the CAP.

In order to see such measures adopted by the agricultural world, (& hence the involvement of the AGPB in the writing of the book) various sessions will be held including the Biodiversity summit.

We invite you to distribute this study widely to whom it may concern.

Hardback copies are available on order for 25€ +p&p. Please email events(at)

 If you have information to share, please write to events[@]

Welcoming Estates Website: Countryside estates open to the public for private events, countryside getaways with a historic touch, countryside produce, sports, restaurants, picnics and so much more…

Click on the logo for a full list of estates, their history and activities on offer or visit our Instagram page!

Click on the image to access information about all our Previous Events.